Raffaele Ruffo, Il Capitolo XXI della Regula non Bullata: un modello di annuncio francescano 5-22
Summary. – In the writings of Francis of Assisi is it possible to identify a Franciscan model of proclamation that holds good also for our day? In this article we intend to show that the text of the exhortation to the praise and penance found in the Earlier Rule, XXI, may be regarded as an out-and-out Franciscan model, consisting of an exhortation to praise God followed by an exhortation to a life of penance. Such a model proclamation, which finds confirmation also in the other writings of the Saint of Assisi, is nothing but the proclamation of the Gospel way of life that the friars are called to live by virtue of their religious profession. It gets unfolded when the goodness of God (the source of the exhortation to praise) and the demands of the Gospel of Christ (the source of the exhortation to repentance) are put at the centre of one's own existence.
Keywords: – History of the Church XIII cent. – Francis of Assisi – Earlier Rule – Evangelism – Praise – Penance.
Aleksander Horowski, Questione "De quolibet III" di Alessandro di Hales 23-56
Summary: In the light of MS Oxford, Bodley 292, the "Series III" of the disputed questions Postquam fuit frater of Alexander of Hales, which is linked to the Quodlibet III, is revisited. An analysis is made of its sources, paternity and relationship with the other writings of the Doctor Irrefragabilis and with the Summa Halensis. Finally a critical edition of the text is offered.
Key words: Medieval Theology – Quodlibetal Literature – Alexander of Hales.
Davide Riserbato, Multa videntur hic impossibilia implicari. Duns Scoto e la "fisica dell'Eucaristia" in Ordinatio IV 57-85
Summary: - The article examines some thematic nuclei of special significance within the Eucharistic theology of Duns Scotus, useful for bringing into bold relief a relational profile between philosophy and theology, delineating beyond the methodological comparison of the two disciplines starting from their own objects. The matching of the issues dedicated to the Aristotelian category of quantity, locomotion (and the concepts of locus, ubietas and positio), the problem of the modality of the presence of the body of Christ and its localisation, will bring out that the centrality which the miracle of conversion assumed in St Thomas, as conclusive of every single issue, is not so closely definitive for Duns Scotus. The rupture, in fact, of the causal relation between the Eucharistic conversion and the sacramental presence implies the need for a local motion which justifies the attainment of such presence and be its cause. The name that Duns Scotus gives to transubstantiation, therefore, is adductive and not productive, whose end ad quem is the substance of the body of Christ which receives a being here (presence) and not the being substantial sempliciter.
Keywords: Eucharist – Motion/ Local change – Positio – Presence – Quantity – Transubstantiation
Alberto Forni, Pietro di Giovanni Olivi e Dante. Un progetto di ricerca 87-156
Summary: – The article takes account of the online research site focused on textual comparisons between Dante and Peter of John Olivi, particularly between the Commedia and the Lectura super Apocalipsim. It may seem odd that the print media, a relatively permanent and lasting reality, in order to verify and prove its own affirmations (its own truth), should refer to the network, a short-lived instrument. But, since research is expected to be continued and any further results will be constantly updated, his digital publication is invaluable. The textual synopsis is so extensive and matching that it cannot be adequately expounded in the print media. The demonstration of the relationship between the poet and the friar is based on an impressive quantity of semantic elements, which are regulated by precise organisational norms. These elements flow from the apocalyptic comment of Olivi into the "sacred poem". The research is presented in online PDF files with hundreds of hypertextual links, offering also the text of Lectura super Apocalypsim transcribed from MS. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, lat. 713. The article in print shows some limited examples with the suggestion to access the web for further research. The Dante-Olivi connection appears in a new light. Here the Spiritual Franciscans do not replace the Faithful of Love, nor does the amazing "Franciscan Renovatio angelica" return, fiercely contested by Michele Barbi. Dante can be placed in his own temporal framework with the help of texts, that are like "Minos, who cannot err" (a period of less than ten years elapsed between the conclusion of the Lectura and the beginning of the Commedia). The role of the Italian Spiritual Franciscans and their preaching in the first decade of the 14th century is reassessed, to which the Dantesque verses, with their innumerable exempla, could have given a strong hand through the mnemonic signacula of the doctrine expounded in the Lectura. The distinction made by Dante, already intuited by Manselli, between the true interpreter of the Rule (Olivi) and the opposed radicalisms of the lax and the rigorists reproached by Bonaventure in the heaven of the Sun are reiterated. What Arsenio Frugoni wrote gets verified: "that eschatologism besides being the battle cry of the ideology and reform of the Spiritual Group, was also an out-and-out historical feeling, [...] which in 1300, the centenary year of the Nativity, had found as an activation in a sense of fullness of time, to which was to correspond a fact, a wonderful and new happening" . Above all an extraordinary intertextual metamorphosis emerges, worked out by Dante in the vernacular on the sermo humilis of the exegesis of Olivi, moving the contents, belonging per se to the providential history of the Church, to the entire human world with its needs such as language, philosophy, monarchy, and giving to the ancient people the citizenship "of that Rome where Christ is Roman".
Keywords: Dante – Peter of John Olivi – Lectura super Apocalipsim – Joachim of Fiore – Richard of Saint Victor – Franciscan theology
Vincenzo Criscuolo, Uno scritto inedito di Mattia da Salò: la biografia di san Felice da Cantalice 157-238
Summary: – The life of Felix of Cantalice, written by Matthias Bellintani of Salo between July 1588 and December 1590, is perhaps one of the best biographies of the first Capuchin lay-brother saint. Its sources are mainly the personal knowledge of about thirty years and the examination of witnesses during the Sixtine process, willed by Sixtus V and carried out from 10 June to 10 November 1587. The author, besides presenting the rich interior life, the spiritual characteristics, and the physical and thaumaturgical activity of the Saint, enriches his narrative with many new details, which he directly observed and experienced in the many years of personal contact.
Keywords: Felix of Cantalice – Matthias of Salo – History of the Capuchins in XVI cent. – Capuchin hagiography.
Eric Roulet, Les capucins et les esclaves noirs de Saint-Christophe et de la Guadeloupe dans la première moitié du XVIIe siècle 239-251
Summary. – The Capuchin friars are the first missionaries of French Lesser Antilles. In St. Kitts and Guadeloupe, they educate and supervise religiously the numerous black slaves present since the beginning of the French colonization in particular around the governors.
The expulsion of the Capuchin friars of St Kitts in 1646 following the conflict with the governor Poinsy marks a blow of stop in their influence on islands. But they certainly paved the way for the conversion of black slaves in the French Lesser Antilles. The Dominicans and the Jesuits will pursue their work with their own sensibility.
Key words: Antilles Islands – Capucins – Slaves – Evangelisation – XVII Century
Niklaus Kuster, San Damiano und der päpstliche Damiansorden 253-340
Summary: – In the main the essay is the text of a conference delivered in Graz at a symposium on 11-13 November 2010 dedicated to the subject of the origin of the Poor Clares. The study begins by assessing the legal, archival and hagiographical sources going back to 1211-1263. A historiography that does not have harmonization as its scope should distinguish four types of sorores minores: (1) foundations without contact with the Franciscan movement, (2) communities of women with contact with the Friars Minor, (3) communities associated with San Damiano, and (4) itinerant sisters or minoritae. The convent of San Damiano in Assisi retains its semi-religious profile beyond the death of the Poverello: only on 22 November 1229 it turns into a monastery in the legal sense. Until 1220, Clare resists the curial policy of Cardinal Hugolin/ Gregory IX who seeks to create a new female Order of strict cloister. In the thirties and forties, San Damiano frees itself entirely from the Ordo Sancti Damiani, rejecting its designated role of being the centre of a monastic Order created by the pope. The approval of the Rule of Clare crowns the struggle of the Saint, thereby creating the independent and alternative Ordo sororum pauperum. Ten years later, Urban IV gives shape to an 'artificial' Order: the Ordo sanctae Clarae, the result of a merger made in 1263, follows its historical path with two different Rules – something unique and quite unusual in the history of Christian religious life.
Keywords: Church history – History of Italy – XIII cent. – Second Franciscan Order – Poor Clares.
Anna Delle Foglie, Francesco Cilleni Nepis artista e litografo: tracce nel Museo Francescano di Roma 341-359
Summary: - Through a close analysis of some of the artworks in the Museo Francescano, Rome, the author reconstructs the profile of Count Francesco Cilleni Nepis of Assisi, a personage of the Nineteenth-Century Umbrian culture. From the study of the lithographs reproducing Domenico Indivini's wooden choir of the Upper Church of Assisi inserted into the publication of 1841, one arrives at the examination of the process leading to the facsimile reproduction through one of the matrices used for the lithographic printing now kept in the Museum. The study then enters into the story of the good fortune of the theme, an inlaid woodwork, which is also found in the other series of lithographs designed by Count Cilleni Nepis concerning the choir of Assisi's San Rufino Cathedral by Giovanni di Piergiacomo of Sanseverino. The other interests of the lover of Umbrian arts are seen in the area of architectural design and landscape painting as the lithography shows with the collapse of the Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli and the one with the view of the Ponte Sisto.
Keywords: – Francesco Cilleni Nepis – Assisi – Domenico Indivini – Franciscan saints and blesseds – Lithography.
Giorgio Leone, Il San Francesco d'Assisi in preghiera di Trophim Bigot Museo Francescano dei Cappuccini 361-372
Summary: – The article deals with a painting preserved in the "Museo Francescano" of the Capuchin Historical Institute, Rome, and attributed to both Gerrit van Honthorst and Trophim Bigot and other painters. The present study analyses the views expressed on it by scholars, taking into consideration its links with art literature, and bringing out the ascription to Bigot or at least to the personality attributed to this painter by the latter-day analyses. Bigot, in fact, is by some identified with the so-called "Candlelight master". The painting is datable between the end of the second and the beginning of the third decade of the 17th century and it tends to approach the Crowning of Thorns in the church of Santa Maria in Aquirio in Rome, which is one of the most important works of the "Bigot-Candlelight master" connection.
The occasion of this interpretation was prompted by the presentation of the recent restoration that was accompanied by interesting diagnostic investigations, which, allowing the reading of the layers lying below, have rendered possible the acquiring of new bits of knowledge useful to the further clarification of the subject.
Keywords: Trophim Bigot – Candlelight Master – Cross of Lorraine – Gerrit van Honthorst – Poggio Bustone – Arabic Rosary
Bernardino de Armellada, Duns Escoto, teólogo de la Penitencia 373-385
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Recensiones 387-457
Benedict Vadakkekara, Chronicle of 2010 459-480
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Novità editoriali 481-483