CF 85 (2015) 1-2


Felice Accrocca, "Epistola ad Fideles II": nuova proposta di lettura, 5-17.

Sommario: Sull'Epistola ad fideles II si è scritto molto, forse troppo; la storiografia, tuttavia, ha finito in gran parte per concentrarsi sulla questione dei destinatari, che ha assorbito molte delle energie poste in campo. L'autore dimostra invece che in quest'ultimo suo scritto epistolare Francesco volle riproporre a tutti i cristiani aspetti essenziali del progetto di vita evangelica che egli aveva inteso consegnare nella Regula non bullata e che non erano stati poi recepiti nel dettato della Regula bullata. L'averlo presente può non solo favorire una più corretta interpretazione della lettera e degli intenti che Francesco si propose nello scriverla, ma consente pure una migliore comprensione delle inquietudini e tensioni che albergarono nel suo animo nel corso degli ultimi anni della sua vita.

Parole chiave: Francesco d'Assisi (santo) − Regola francescana − legislazione fran- cescana − spiritualità francescana

Summary: Much, perhaps too much, has been written on the Epistola ad fideles II; historiography has even so ended up largely focussing on the question of the recipients, and this has taken up much of the energies put into the field. The author, instead, shows that Francis, in the last of his letters, wished to propose again to all the Christians the essential aspects of the project of evangelical life that he had intended to transmit through the Regula non bullata but which did not find their place in the wording of the Regula bullata. The fact of their presence not only enables a more correct interpretation of the letter and Francis' intentions in writing it, but also leads to a better understanding of the concerns and tensions that dwelt in his mind during the last years of his life.

Keywords: Francis of Assisi (Saint) – Franciscan Rule – Franciscan legislation – Fran- ciscan spirituality


Aleksander Horowski, "Gesta beati Francisci confessoris": una compilazione postbonaventuriana della Collegiata San Bartolomeo in Francoforte sul Meno, 19-57.

Sommario: Il manoscritto Barth. 4 della Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt am Main, scritto nel 1356, contiene una raccolta delle vite dei santi. La vita di san Francesco ivi conservata si intitola Gesta beati Francisci confessoris ed è stata compilata − seguendo un piano originale − a partire dalle due Legendae scritte da san Bonaventura da Bagnoregio e dall'antica leggenda liturgica dei domenicani. Nel presente contributo ne viene offerta l'edizione completa e un'analisi delle fonti e delle relazioni con le precedenti biografie dell'Assisiate.

Parole chiave: Agiografia medievale − san Francesco d'Assisi − san Bonaventura da Bagnoregio − Tommaso da Celano.

Summary: The manuscript Barth. 4 of Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt am Main, written in 1356, contains a collection of the lives of the saints. The life of St Francis given therein is entitled Gesta beati Francisci confessoris. It was compiled − following an original plan – starting from the two Legendae written by St Bonaventure and the ancient liturgical legend of the Dominicans. The present contribution offers a complete edition and an analysis of the sources and the relationships with the previous biographies of Francis of Assisi.

Keywords: Medieval hagiography − St Francis of Assisi − St Bonaventure of Bagnoregio − Thomas of Celano.


Michael F. Cusato, The Democratization of Prayer: What Francis of Assisi learned in Damietta (1219), 59-82.

Summary: The encounter of Francis of Assisi with the Muslim Sultan, Malek al-Kamil, has received notable attention from historians in the wake of the events of September 11, 2001 in the United States and its ongoing legacy. Most presentations of this medieval encounter stress, quite rightly, the radically inclusive posture of the Poverello vis-à-vis his Muslim interlocutors outside the city of Damietta; and, they especially wonder about the effect which Francis' presence might have had upon his Muslim listeners. This article explores the converse perspective: namely, the effects which Islam (and other Muslims) might have had upon Francis of Assisi during his nearly three week sojourn in the camp of the Sultan. In particular, it examines that influence through the lens of Francis' observation of Muslims at prayer and how this confirmed his own convictions about the relationship of every human being before God as, by nature, someone who is called into prayer. This influence is then demonstrated through an examination of a variety of writings which Francis composed once he returned to Italy: texts which give witness to the universal call of all men and women to stand, bow and lie prostrate in submission to God. Prayer was not a prerogative of spiritual elites; it was the spiritual duty of all. This is the democratization of prayer.

Keywords: Francis of Assisi − writings −Islam and Muslims − Damietta −prayer − prayer postures


Aleksander Horowski, Sermoni francescani "De Festis Sanctorum" Della Fine Del XIII Secolo nel Ms. Ripoll 195

Riassunto: Viene offerta la descrizione completa del codice Barcelona, Archivo de la Corona de Aragón, Ripoll 195. Si tratta di un importante testimone della predicazione francescana sui santi, databile all'ultimo ventennio del XIII secolo. Il codice contiene ben 211 sermoni, suddivisi in tre serie: de proprio sanctorum, de communi sanctorum e de proprio sanctorum. A parte alcuni panegirici attribuibili ai predicatori dell'Ordine francescano, tra cui spiccano Gilberto di Tournai e Bonaventura da Bagnoregio, la maggior parte del materiale resta anonimo. Tali sermoni solo parzialmente trovano riscontro nelle collezioni anonime già note (specialmente nel codice C.415a della Biblioteca Universitaria di Uppsala), mentre molti risultano finora sconosciuti. Nell'appendice vengono pubblicati cinque sermoni anonimi sui santi francescani, finora inediti.

Parole chiave: Predicazione medievale − predicazione francescana − agiografia − codicologia − san Francesco d'Assisi − sant'Antonio di Padova − santa Chiara d'Assisi.

Summary: The study gives a complete description of the codex Barcelona, Archivo de la Corona de Aragón, Ripoll 195. It is datable to the last two decades of the 13th century and is an important witness to the Franciscan preaching on saints. The codex contains as many as 211 sermons, subdivided into three series: De proprio sanctorum, De communi sanctorum and De proprio sanctorum. Apart from a few panegyrics attributable to the preachers of the Franciscan Order, among whom Gilbert of Tournai and Bonaventure of Bagnoregio, most of the material remains anonymous. Such sermons are only partially reflected in the anonymous collections already known (especially in the codex C.415a of the University Library of Uppsala), while many others remain unknown to date. The appendix gives five anonymous sermons on Franciscan saints, so far unpublished.

Keywords: Medieval preaching − Franciscan preaching − hagiography − codicology − St. Francis of Assisi − St. Antony of Padua − St. Clare of Assisi.


Oktavian Schmucki, Die Franziskanische vision der Ersten Konstitutionen des Kapuzinerordens von 1536, 153-185.

Zusammenfassung: Die Untersuchung ist als Einführung zur ersten vollständigen deutschen Übersetzung der Costituzioni cappuccine del 1536 entstanden. Der Autor stellt zunächst die kritische Edition der Satzungen von Giuseppe Santarelli vor und handelt dann von den vermutlichen Verfasser; so von Bernardino d'Asti und anderen hervorragenden Vertretern, die von der franziskanischen Observanz in den Reformorden übergetreten waren. Ebenso werden die ordenshistorischen Umstände beleuchtet, in denen die Konstitutionen am Generalkapitel von 1535 wahrscheinlich grundgelegt und im Kapitel von 1536 approbiert wurden. Grundprinzip der Konstitutionen ist nicht das Kirchenrecht, sondern die doppelte Übereinstimmung der Vorschriften mit Jesus Christus im Evangelium und mit den „Schriften" und biographischen Quellen des hl. Franziskus. Ein weiterer Gegenstand betrifft inhaltliche Schwerpunkte dieses „kleinen Spiegels des Evangeliums", die ihn im Licht der franziskanischen Tradition, besonders der Meditation und Armut, auszeichnen. Ein weiterer Teil befasst sich mit der Bedeutung und dem Stil der Satzungen, um hernach überzugehen zur Darstellung der Editionsgeschichte und der Grundsätze der deutschen Übersetzung. Die Abhandlung schließt mit einem Verzeichnis von Quellen und Literatur zu den Kapuzinersatzungen.

Stichworte: Franziskanische Spiritualität im 16. Jahrhundert – Hl. Franziskus von Assisi – Ordensgesetzgebung – Kapuziner

Summary: The study serves as an introduction to the first translation into German of the full Costituzioni Cappuccine del 1536. The author first presents the critical edition of the Constitutions by Giuseppe Santarelli and then discusses its authorship presumed to be of Bernardino d'Asti and other prominent representatives, who had crossed over from the Franciscan Observance to the Reform Order. In the same way, light is shed on the historical setting in which the Order took shape; the basics of its Constitutions were probably set in the General Chapter of 1635 and then approved in the Chapter of 1536. The principle underlying the Constitutions is not the canon law, but the text's double concurrence, namely, with Jesus Christ in the Gospel, and the "writings" and biographical sources of St Francis. Another point underscored is about thematic priorities of this "little mirror of the Gospel", which places it in the Franciscan tradition particularly of meditation and poverty. A further section deals with the meaning and style of the Constitutions so that subsequently one can explain the editorial history and the principles of the German translation. The essay concludes with a list of sources and studies on the Capuchin Constitutions.

Keywords: Franciscan spirituality in the 16th century – St Francis of Assisi – Order's legislation – Capuchins.


Vernon Wagner, The nature and role of women according to St. Lawrence of Brindisi, 187-206.

Summary: – It is difficult to give an adequate assessment of the nature and role of women, because today's woman is far different from that first woman created by God as well as the woman of St. Lawrence's day. Yet, certain characteristics remain constant. Woman has always been and will always remain a great gift of God, created to be man's companion in this life, equal to man in dignity and in destiny, called to share with him in eternal life. Sin has marred not the natural beauty of women but that supernatural image which consists in virtue and which is in need of restoration. Despite the many evils which trace their origin to those who do not live by God's standards, women remain a great gift of God and merit praise for their many virtues and contributions to the Church, to their families, and to society in general.

Keywords: St. Lawrence of Brindisi − Capuchin preaching − Women − Catholic theology in 16th-17th centuries.


Monica Benedetta Umiker, Un'antica raccolta di fonti su Chiara d'Assisi: Il "Sand Claren bvch" di Norimberga, 207-235.

Sommario: Il contributo presenta due tabelle relative al Sand Claren bvch, che è una collezione di scritti di santa Chiara e dei testi agiografici a lei dedicati, tradotti in tedesco medievale. La prima tabella mostra a confronto il contenuto dei nove manoscritti conosciuti del Sand Claren bvch; mentre la seconda elenca i 21 episodi particolari inseriti nella traduzione tedesca della Vita ufficiale di santa Chiara, Admirabilis femina, composta da Tommaso da Celano, con le loro fonti (se si conoscono) e le altre Vitae di santa Chiara. In fine, i 21 episodi vengono pubblicati in tedesco medievale, affiancati da una traduzione italiana.

Parole chiave: Santa Chiara d'Assisi − agiografia medievale − Sand Claren bvch − volgarizzamenti medievali

Summary: The work presents two tables in connection with the Sand Claren bvch, a medieval German collection of texts of and about St Clare of Assisi. The first table shows and compares the contents of the nine known manuscripts of the Sand Claren bvch among themselves. The second one lists the 21 "particular episodes" inserted in the German translation of the official Life of St Clare, Admirabilis femina, by Br Thomas of Celano, indicating their sources when known and mentioning other contemporary Lives of Clare containing the same traditions. Finally, the 21 episodes are given in medieval German with their Italian translation.

Keywords: St Clare – Medieval hagiography − Sand Claren bvch – medieval vernacular translations


Angelo D'Ambrosio, Regimi penitenziali e cibo nelle regole alimentari francescane: Clarisse e Cappuccine (Secc. XVII-XIX), 237-262.

Summary: The article focuses on analysing the development of women's monastic legislation that regulates in modern times the dietary regimen of the Poor Clares and the Capuchin nuns on the days of obligation of observing the penitential practices, especially with regard to the exercise of fast and abstinence. With the aim of verifying, among other things, the levels of actual observance of the general rules, the research avails itself, on the one hand, of the regulations in force within some ten monasteries, and on the other, of the survey of the detailed archival statements of accounts in the registers of administration and the account books of some cloisters regarding the characteristics, and the quantity and quality of the community food acquired and consumed in the refectory during Lent.

Keywords: Poor Clares – Capuchin nuns – Lenten food – Fasting – Abstinence


Giovanni Boccali, Iglesias: una cattedrale per S. Chiara d'Assisi che ha risuscitato venti morti, 236-267.

Sommario: Il contributo propone l'identificazione della chiesa edificata "in Spagna" in onore di s. Chiara d'Assisi e legata al miracolo di risurrezione di venti morti, di cui parla la clarissa di Norimberga Caterina Hofmanin (vel Hofmann), autrice del Sand Claren Buch. Si tratterebbe della Cattedrale di Iglesias in Sardegna, all'epoca sotto il dominio aragonese, come dimostrano alcuni indizi. Viene inoltre ipotizzato il percorso di questa notizia dall'Italia alla Baviera.

Parole chiave: Santa Chiara d'Assisi − agiografia medievale − culto dei santi − Cattedrale di S. Chiara d'Assisi a Iglesias (Sardegna)

Summary: The essay proposes the identification of the church built "in Spain" in honour of St Clare of Assisi and linked to the miracle of the resurrection of twenty dead, about which the Poor Clare nun of Nuremberg Catherine Hofmanin (or Hofmann), the author of the Sand Claren Buch speaks. As certain clues suggest, this would be the Cathedral of Iglesias in Sardinia, then under the Crown of Aragon. Besides one presumes that the path of this news originated in Italy and proceeded to Bavaria.

Keywords: St Clare of Assisi − medieval hagiography − cult of saints − Cathedral of St Clare of Assisi in Iglesias (Sardinia)


Giovanni Pizzorusso, Meccanismi istituzionali e problemi di giurisdizione missionaria alla luce di una recente ricerca sull'attività di mons. Giannantonio Zucchetti, 269-275.


Carla Benocci, Aspetti storico-artistici del volume di Gabriele Ingegneri dedicato a Giannantonio Zucchetti, 277-282, ill.



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